Thursday, October 18, 2007

"Design Build"

So as many of you know i watch the discovery channel ALOT!! And last night i tevo'ed a show called build it bigger because i love this show and it makes me happy when i watch it. lol. (and yes i just made lol its own separate sentence.) The show if you dont know has a host named Danny Forester who is a recently graduated architect that goes around to some of the most outrageous building sites in the world and does every job on the site while also explaining the magnificents of how all of it is done. On this particular episode they were showing the new washington nationals stadium. Now when you think of building something usually you design it first and then hand a set of blue prints over to a contractor and they build it. Not so with this particular build. For some reason time constraints made them have to design this stadium as they were building it! This was a first for me. I had never heard of anything like this before and it seemed kind of sketchy. It also got me thinking about my own life and my relationship with God. I cant help but think that sometime thats how my life is. Like God is designing and then im building. now i know that God already has the blueprints laid out and everything is finished but think about it. Have you ever messed up sooooooo bad that youre like "theres no way God saw that coming!" Now i say this all in a joking manner but its crazy sometimes to think that even when we BOMB it and i mean totally drop the ball screw you life up kind of bomb; God knows what we were gonna do. Thats such a beautiful thing to think about because its says that all of these things are gonna work out for our own good! CRAZY!! haha

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you watch the discovery channel? I had no idea, no wonder you have an answer to EVERY! Good stuff dude. you know i was thinking, me and you shoul have our own blog, together, since we are pretty much the same person,think the same things, have been through a lot of the same things, and want the same things in life. Our first blog would be titled "water sports" lol ! Rob, it only makes